Hatch Africa
Editorial Design
Presentation Design

Strategic presentations and an Investment Memorandum brochure were crafted for Hatch Africa, showcasing its innovative model to potential investors and stakeholders.

Hatch Africa’s vision to transform the poultry supply chain in sub-Saharan Africa was encapsulated through meticulously designed presentations. These tools were aimed at illustrating the company’s pioneering business model and its potential impact, tailored specifically for engaging potential investors.

The pitch decks were designed to not only convey the company’s mission and vision but also to highlight the significant investment opportunity it presents. By integrating compelling visuals and data, the narrative was brought to life, fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of Hatch Africa’s potential.


Each design element was purposefully crafted to captivate and persuade, driving Hatch Africa’s mission forward


The editorial design of the Investment Memorandum utilized clean, professional layouts and engaging infographics to distill complex information into accessible, persuasive content, effectively communicating the value proposition to investors.

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