Vaughn College
Digital Design
Editorial Design

An array of electronic interactive magazines was developed for Vaughn College, featuring engaging animations accessible across various devices.

For Vaughn College, the need was to enhance digital outreach and engagement through innovative educational content. A series of electronic interactive magazines was conceived, blending informative content with dynamic design elements to captivate the college’s diverse audience.

Each magazine was carefully designed to be both informative and visually engaging, incorporating simple yet effective animations that bring the content to life. This approach ensured that the magazines were not only educational but also highly interactive and enjoyable.

The design emphasized accessibility and responsiveness, making it easy for users to engage with the magazines from any device. This universal design approach effectively broadened the reach of Vaughn College’s digital content, making it more inclusive and accessible.


/ Digital Engagement Elevated

Through innovative design, Vaughn College’s interactive magazines transformed digital engagement, making educational content more immersive and accessible.

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